We currently have 5 projects in progress and 10 completed
5G+Tactile - “Internet Táctil sobre 5G avanzado y 6G”
5G+TACTILE is a coordinated R&D project, led by University of Malaga (UMA) and focused on the Tactile Internet in Beyond 5G and 6G technologies. In this project, Nemergent participates in the development of novel network technologies (TSN over 5G, eMBMS over 5G, MCX, multi-connectivity) and new protocols for deterministic communications over B5G/6G.
Este proyecto ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital y a la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, bajo el programa “UNICO I+D 5G Avanzado y 6G”, con nº de expediente TSI-063000-2021-11.
REMIRO5G MULTISLICE: Aplicaciones críticas para REd de Metro Inteligente sobre RadiO
The focus of this project is to analyse, evaluate and validate the applicability of modern MCX / FRMCS concepts to Communications-based train control (CBCT) systems. Nemergent is developing the required adaptations to support the specific use cases related to a 5G enabled metropolitan public transportation system. The project is coordinated by CAF Signalling.
Este proyecto ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital y a la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, bajo el programa “Único 5G Sectorial 2023 Segunda convocatoria”, con nº de expediente TSI‐065200‐2023‐005. Cofinanciado con fondos europeos provenientes del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia (MRR).

MoySEST: Mission Critical Services y Sistemas de Transporte - Innovación en 5G para corredores de transporte
With this project Nemergent tackles the MCX problematic applied to railway environments to create a FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) solution. It seeks to expand the use cases of MCX services, and explore the transport sector, where the predominant communication system at European level is based on GSM-R (2G) and whose evolution towards broadband solutions (5G) is also imminent. The project is coordinated by Teltronic with the participation of Nemergent, Kenmei Technologies and S2 Grupo.
Este proyecto ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital y a la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, bajo el programa “Único 5G Sectorial 2022”, con nº de expediente TSI‐065100‐2022‐6.

BroadImPort: Importing European BroadPort MCX concepts to US market needs
The BroadImPort project aims at bringing best practices from our BroadWay / BroadPort solution to the USA playground. This innovation project focuses on fostering inter-agency communications based on 3GPP MCX standards. The project is supported by Frequentis USA Inc. as service hosting partner, and by public safety organizations from City of Irving, Texas and City of Fort Worth, Texas.
This project has received funding from Public Safety Innovation Accelator Program 2022 (PSIAP-2022) under federal award ID number 70NANB22H069.

5G Epicentre
By leading one of the 5G-EPICENTRE pilot experiments, Nemergent explores the 5G potential to reach multi-agency and multi-deployment mission critical communications and dynamic service scaling, in order to respond to high demanding operations such as Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR).
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 10101521.

Servicios PPDR sobre 5G / Over 5G PPDR Services
With this project, Nemergent seeks to create a technology demonstrator that enables hybrid deployments of MCX services over public and private 5G coverage. The use of tactical portable 5G equipment enables coverage and capacity extension in complex scenarios of degraded connectivity.
Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por el Gobierno Vasco bajo el programa 5G-Empresarial gestionado por SPRI, con nº de proyecto 5GE-2021-00004. / Proiektu honek Eusko Jauzlaritzaren diru-laguntza jaso du, SPRI-k kudeatzen duen 5G-Empresarial programaren barruan, 5GE-2021-00004 proiektu-kodearekin.

In order to provide secure, reliable and highly efficient communications to first responders, Nemergent is leading the emergency use case over neutral host operator and 5G hybrid deployment. By developing MCx CNF (Container Network Function), the project aims to control the 5G network to serve a limited geographic area with optimized services using dedicated equipment.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957317.

5G MOMO- 5G Monitorizazio eta Mitigazio Orkestraketa
Industrial Research project within the framework of the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, Basque Country 2020. In cooperation with UPV/EHU, this project focuses on researching new 5G MCx deployment schemes and KPI monitoring and optimisation strategies.
Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por el Gobierno Vasco bajo el programa de SPRI Hazitek 2020 con nº de proyecto ZL-2020/00830. / Proyektu honek Eusko Jauzlaritzaren diru-laguntza jaso du, SPRI Hazitek 2020 programaren barruan, ZL-2020/00830 proiektu-zenbakiarekin.

MCS-TaaSting / Mission Critical Services - Testing as a Service
Nemergent provides the MCx Android client as a reference system to test against the MCS-TaaSting 3GPP compliant MCPTT conformance tester.
This work is performed under the following financial assistance award 70NANB20H005 from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The Broadway project pursuits to grant a Pan-European mobile broadband network for PPDR, supported by roaming and MCx system interconnection. Applying the developed IPX-based intercommunications among Malaga-Paris-Vienna sites, project members prove the project results under the 5Genesis infrastructure with first responders and public safety services all across Europe.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786912.

Comunicaciones de misión crítica sobre redes móviles de banda ancha
With this project, Nemergent left R13 MCPTT (Mission Critical Push To Talk) communications behind, in order to reshape its services toward the new multimedia communications requirements/demands, by developing R14+ MCx (Mission Critical Services).
Este proyecto ha sido subvencionado por el CDTI bajo los Presupuestos
Generales del Estado a cargo de la aplicación 27.12.467C.74908.

Torres Quevedo
Funding destinated to develop industrial and experimental research project, supporting PhD activities to achieve Nemergent MCx research and innovation targets.
Ayuda de referencia PTQ-17-09334, dentro del Programa Torres Quevedo en su convocatoria: 2017concedida por el Plan Estatal de Investigación Cientifica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016

This project, alongside the Malaga Police Department, explores the development of a 3GPP MCx, based on Virtualized Network Function (VNF), for Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR) through an experimental 5G platform in the city of Malaga.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815178.

End-to-End Mission Critical Push-to-Talk with Direct Mode Operation
The project aim is to offer a 3GPP R13 compliant MCPTT platform with both client and server side elements that seamless and fully interoperates with existing nationwide narrowband assets. Since long term users of LMR systems are best positioned to gauge the mission critical experience delivered by our proposed end-to-end solution, the team works in coordination with first responders from Atlantic City Police Department and Fairfax County, Virginia, as the test partners of the end-to-end solution.
This work is performed under the following financial assistance award 70NANB17H179 from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

MCOP / Mission Critical Open Platform
Nemergent supports the MCPTT services for Mission Criticial Open Platform (MCOP) online testing platform.
This work is performed under the following financial assistance award 70NANB17H151 from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.